Raggamuffin's Stuffin': The after effects of a night out (or in) with one-too many Jamaican Bonnets, and maybe some Mary Jane. "Gwaan – me nose got too much bodderation wit ya rankin' raggamuffin' stuffin'!"
Silentius Quod Deadlius: A secret delivery known since the times of the Roman emperors. ANTONY: "Poo – silentius quod deadlius, citizens! The evil that men do lives after them." Act 3 Scene II Julius Caesar.
Trilobite Wake: Swimming pool bubbles from the depths of time and tide. "It is no longer a matter of debate that the noxious atmosphere produced by the trilobite wake let to the End-Botomian mass extinction event." *
U-boat Hell: The real reason they were called iron coffins. "Gott im himmel, Hans! Ich kann nicht diese stinkenden U-Boot-Hölle. Open ze hatches unt surrender!!"
Victoria Secret: Top supermodel's runway trade secret. "Let 'em rip, Cindy, Naomi! Slinky skimpies = express windies: that's the Victoria Secret, girls."
World of Waftcraft: On-line deadly bottomy action where Sylvanus Windrunner and Tyrande Whisperwind fight the Burning Crusade within the Mists of Pandaria and it all ends in a Stormwind Cataclysm. "All will know the eggy wrath of the Lich King, tonight. It will truly be a world of waftcraft."
X Factor: A Simon Bowel production. "I cannot believe you just sang with your mouth closed. That was the best Susan Boyle imitation ever – you win X-Factor!"
Ying Tong Iddle I Poo: An exclamation to cover a squeaker brought on by a bout of over-confident exercise. "Now for the right leg, reverend – stretch, stretch, stre... Ooh! Ying Tong, Ying Tong, Ying Tong Iddle I Poo!"
Zac Efron Awkward Moment: Formulaic and unfunny forced emission that results in embarrassed silence, much like the reception to the romantic comedy of the same name. "Let the nations know Justice has been served. The perpetrator's Zac Efron Awkward Moment was punishment enough."
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