Only 16 more days to go! It feels like I am nearing the mainland, that there is the smell of land in the air and that I can drop a sail or two in the last few days before entering the sea-lanes and finally docking. Only, of course, I will not have quite written the full 365. I dropped three along the way for various reasons, some technical, and some personal.
So, I should really add another three at the end – which I may do – if I feel inclined – which at the moment I don't... I love writing, but I've had enough of this!
Perhaps 16+ days before the end is too soon to ruminate over a completed project, but this year of writing has taught me much – chiefly, that to take your art seriously is never a bad thing. If you have aspirations to artistry in any capacity, then time must be put in. Whilst it may take 10,000 hours to achieve fluency in the pursuit of any particular activity (less so if those hours are properly focused), one year in writing does not a writer make. Yes, to be a successful writer requires daily commitment, but daily output in a task like this varies with mood, energy, opportunity, imagination and desire. Some days I amazed myself, whilst others were really an intense drag. Some pieces I am still proud of, whilst others are undoubtedly best forgotten. Publishing daily made me examine grammar a little closer and although there are many split infinitives, passive voices and a host of other blots to my copy book, I stand by intention over mechanisation, fluidity over nicety, perception over technique. Someone recently mentioned to me that I should perhaps get a student to study the blog's development as an extant corpus. Whilst that is flattering, I doubt it is worth the salt.
On a personal note, daily creative writing made me at times look hard into the soul to see what was there. Some discoveries were real surprises, but on many other occasions I did not like what I had found. Such is found in us all: a little light and shade, goodness and badness, bravery and cowardliness, profundity and the profoundly dim.
My aim at the outset was to examine my ability to create in different genres, to give as many of them a go as I could. I included Sci-fi (much maligned in British minds), psychological examinations, ideas, comments, serials and more besides. I like writing poetry: there is an emotional immediacy to it. Hence, I have writted more than a few poems of which I am rightly proud.
Some work has been easily jotted down in an hour, whilst others have taken days (even weeks) to put together. Some work came easily, the ideas flowing from the fingertips, whilst others were pressed out with seconds to go before midnight. Sometimes alcohol helped, at other times was the inspiration, and at other times took power away. I endeavoured to put meaning – real solid meaning – into everything, but at times admittedly fell a little short. I suppose that had I given myself more time, then that would all have been rectified, but that's not the point of writing a post every day, nor is it possible. It is to my regret that pieces I would dearly have liked re-written and refined are half-finished. That may have put more than a few readers off. If it's any consolation, it did me, too!
I have not included any screenplays or theatre plays. They are difficult genres that are easily emulated, but which require much time, energy and dedication in order to get over the 'adolescent' stage of writing. I thought about a minimal token work something along the lines of Beckett, but decided the risks were too great.
The final straight is therefore in sight. It's about time to break out the rum. Thank you for reading my work. The (admittedly self-administered) demand to post every day has been a hard and unyielding mistress, but your Facebook likes and comments have several times made the difference between coming to an abrupt stop or continuing. Some pieces will make their edited and expanded way into a published work or two in the near future, something that might actually make me some money! If you have travelled this far, then please continue with my journey to the end. I have written for your eyes and dearly hope that I have brought you some pleasure along the way.
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