There aren't many places in the world where you can openly buy Semtex, but there's enough of the stuff here in the glorious Czesky Republiky to blow up a train – even this, my train to Prague. Apparently, you just have to ask and they bring it to your seat!
For those of you not in the know, Semtex is one of the Czech Republic's great success stories. First made by Stanislav Brebera at the VCHZ Synthesia chemical plant in Pardubice, a town not very far from Prague, Semtex (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) was so-named after the suburb Semtin at which the explosive mixture was first made in 1964.
The infamous plastic explosive has a long connection with terrorism, partly because it was waterproof, retained its malleability at extremes of temperatures and could be hidden inside tubes of toothpaste and such like, and partly because it was so difficult to detect. It was used extensively in the Vietnam war and was imported by the ton into Gaddafi's Lybia. It is because of these admittedly negative associations, sales of Semtex have recently been strictly controlled by the government. So, no worries there then...
Semtex, the drink, however, is much more dangerous. Although it may not topple a government building if left to explode in the basement car park, it has a blast of caffeine, an explosion of massive sugaryness and enough taurine to... well, what exactly does anyone want with taurine? Apparently, the average omnivore requires just 58mg per day, although the little drink on this train has 400mg! So, according to online sources (read Wikipedia) this will be of benefit if I want to keep epileptic seizures away, improve my heart function and a whole host of other healthy things. All well and good, but perhaps I shouldn't have ordered the coffee on top – this train sure feels fast! And it's so hot! Why do I feel the need to go for a run?
My train careens through the soft early summer Bohemian landscape on its way to Prague, passing Pardubice and the Semtex factory. As the excitable effects of this heady sweet cocktail begin to subside, I can satisfactorily conclude that both kinds of Semtex are things probably best left to the experts. Until now I wasn't aware of any situation in which 'performance drinks' and high explosives could be safely mixed, or even that my taurine levels might require upping, but perhaps all the unhealthy beer I have been downing since my brave expedition into this beautiful land has dulled the senses. Pass another Semtex...
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